13. Top Strategies From a Medical Malpractice Powerhouse w/ Michael Duffy

Michael Duffy Episode 13 Splash Image

Episode Overview

Want to know how the top medical malpractice firm in Long Island came to be so successful? Today, you’ll learn from one of their managing partners the strategies they used to rise to the top.

In this HotDocket episode, we’re joined by Michael Duffy, Managing Partner at Duffy and Duffy, PLLC. Michael’s here to share expert insights into what it takes to thrive in one of the most complex areas of law.

From foundational strategies and market insights to community concerns and the influence of AI, Michael highlights crucial factors to building and scaling a medical malpractice powerhouse.

If you’re looking to scale your medical malpractice firm and become a top tier practice in your state, you’re in the right place. So, tune in to learn from the best!

Then, stay tuned for a riveting game of “ChatGPT Writes a Demand Letter” where Michael evaluates a demand letter written by ChatGPT for a medical malpractice claim arising from a doctor amputating the wrong limb. Will it pass or fail? Listen ‘til the end to find out!

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Episode Topics

  • The most common pitfall/mistake medical malpractice lawyers make.
  • 10 tips every medical malpractice lawyer needs to know.
  • What’s so different about litigating medical malpractice claims compared to other cases?
  • Why understanding a medical chart is a core differentiator for medical malpractice firms.
  • How AI can help medical malpractice lawyers understand their cases better.
  • Tips for building and maintaining strong client relationships.
  • How to build winning referral relationships as a medical malpractice lawyer.
  • The biggest medical malpractice issue in New York right now & How lawyers can help.

Key Actionable Takeaways for Law Firms: 

  • The best advice Michael ever got was: You should do what you’re best at and if you’re the best at it, it’ll work out.
  • Control your firm’s profitability by handling cases in-house.
  • Focusing on medical malpractice can lead to unparalleled expertise and recognition.
  • Invest time in detailed case investigations to achieve better outcomes.
  • Always advise potential clients to seek knowledgeable legal counsel.
  • Stay ahead in the competitive landscape by embracing new marketing approaches.
  • Be aware of the socioeconomic factors affecting medical treatment and outcomes.

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